Sunday, December 29, 2019

Case Study Alzheimer’S Disease. Mary Wipf. Phgy 220- Gerald

Case Study: Alzheimer’s Disease Mary Wipf PHGY 220- Gerald McGraw April 2, 2017 In the world, there are new cases of dementia for somewhere between 10 and 15 people per 1000. Five to eight per 1000 are cases of Alzheimer’s. Dementia is a term that simply defines a mentally deteriorated condition. Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease and is the most common cause of dementia in older people. Alzheimer’s is a disease of the brain and it has little impact on the body beyond what happens as an indirect result of behavior associated with the disease. Because it is often secondary results of Alzheimer’s Disease that cause death, such as pneumonia and†¦show more content†¦Genetics are believed to play a part in being susceptible to getting Alzheimer’s disease. As Elaine Marieb and Katja Hoehn write, â€Å"One form of Alzheimer’s disease is caused by an inherited mutation in the gene for APP, which suggests that too much beta-amyloid may be tox ic† (416). Other factors believed to be contributing to getting Alzheimer’s disease are high blood pressure, head injuries, and depression. Alzheimer’s disease is not contagious and therefore is not communicable disease. Initial signs and symptoms are rather mild during the early stages. It might not be noticeable at first. They are not exactly the same for everyone, but most people have difficulty learning new things and recalling pieces of new information. As it progresses, victims of the disease forget more and more information. They struggle to communicate and travel as they’re increasingly unable to remember important information needed for these functions. In the latest stages, Alzheimer’s patients lose even more of their memory, which makes it hard for them to perform even the most basic functions, such as walking and eating. They have difficulty sleeping, they get agitated, they hallucinate, and they have to be helped in almost any and all endeavors, even to the most basic of functions. (this paragraph all from Currently, treatment of the disease consists of maintaining mental functions and managing behavioral

Friday, December 20, 2019

Racial Identity And Sexual Orientation - 1597 Words

The statement â€Å"racial identity and sexual orientation entrap and define us† is limiting in that it ‘pidgeon holes’ a great variety of ‘types’ into simplified categories. This essay will explore ‘racial identity’ and sexual orientation’ and exemplify meaning through the use of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Christos Tsiolkas’ Loaded. Although they hail from different times and cultures, the characters Marlow and Ari display similarities in behaviours in as such they put themselves in perilous situations and surround themselves with untrustworthy ‘associates’. One reason why I do not agree with the statement â€Å"racial identity and sexual orientation entrap and define us† is an individual’s self-image and circumstance. For example, Marlow lived in the days of Imperialism. Instead of seeing themselves as interlopers in a new country the Europeans’ felt a sense of entitlement. He does not relate to the stereotype and describes the men he works with as â€Å"[†¦] not much account really. They were no colonists; their administration was merely a squeeze, and nothing more, I suspect. They were conquerors, and for that you only want brute force – nothing to boast of, when you have it, since your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others† (Conrad 10). Marlow is a migrant to Africa; he is the ‘other’ however it is the African’s that are portrayed to the reader as the ‘other’ through Marlow’s observations of the stations and river. Initially, Marlow’s accountsShow MoreRelatedSexual Minority Women854 Words   |  4 Pagesdisparities in health care access, utilization and health outcomes among racial and sexual minority women, the current study seeks to address existing gaps and offer directions for health promotion and future research in this area. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communications Strategies and Planing

Question: Discuss about the Integrated Marketing Communications and Strategies. Answer Evaluation of the findings Development of IMC needs to be structured on certain important and relevant inputs(Cova, 2008). The photographic inputs from consumer research and data collected from diversified range of target consumer segment group. The data collected from Instagram from male and female depicts various aspects of the consumer likes and dislikes. Some key findings from the data collected and analysed are as below; Evaluation and Findings 1: Consumer survey has been conducted on various age groups from 18 to 59 years of age. However, most respondents from the age group of 20 to 22 years have responded regarding their passions and desire to tastes other cuisine foods(Aaker, 2008). Evaluation and Findings 2: Consumer survey regarding passion about foods has been surveyed. Majority of consumers in the age group of 27 year to 39 years of age have their passion regarding various food items. The data has been analysed from mean table form consumer data collected. Evaluation and Findings 3: Consumer survey data has been collected and analysed into foodie as well as non-foodie segments(Williams, 2011). Data has been collected from Alain Ducasses Restaurant reflects that approximately 46% people are foodie from the total population survey. Evaluation and Findings 4: Consumer data collected from various age groups, sexes and foodie as well as from non-foodie consumers. The type of message framed in Instagram reflects that women rating of such posts are more significant than those of men. Conducting of hypothesis testing have established that there is a difference in liking and brand attitude from framing of the message(Easton, 2010). As null hypothesis has been rejected from p tests. Evaluation and Findings 5: Consumer data analysis according to Instagram posts by consumer sex has been tested for significance. By analysis of mean and testing for hypothesis it has been found that women message have higher response compared to that of a man. Evaluation and Findings 6: There is a role of envy that acts as an important determinant in marketing communication strategies. Testing for hypothesis and significance it has been found that amongst other factors the role of Envy has a greater significance hence it is not null and cannot be rejected. Evaluation and Findings 7: Consumer data analysis according to Envy levels for foodie and non-foodie consumer reflects that there is a level of significance as well. Though the level of significance for foodie consumer is relatively high compared to non-foodie but it cannot be avoided as it is not null. Evaluation and Findings 8: Source liking and hunger posts have been found to have significant impact on Envy of Consumers on Brand Attitude. Evaluation and Findings 9: Foodie and non-foodie posts in Instagram has been found to have influence on brand attitude of the consumers. Recommendations and justifications Consumer data collected and analysis of the same has revealed several integral aspects that can provide inputs into IMC plan or marketing communication strategies. The following strategies will help in development of a better communication plan as below; The Company can adopt social media marketing platform as Instagram posts to frame their message and communicate consumer likes regarding the brand. The French restaurant needs to add significantly framed messages by women which can include bragging for influencing envy levels of consumers and attract them. Envy has been seen to have a positive influence in generating consumer communications. Further they might be able to attract consumers towards a particular brand. References Aaker, D. K. (2008). Marketing research. John Wiley Sons. Cova, B. E. (2008). Everything you always wanted to know about interpretive consumer research but were afraid to ask. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 11(2), 121-129. Easton, G. (2010). Critical realism in case study research. . Industrial marketing management, 39(1), 118-128. Williams, P. a. (2011). Customer satisfaction and business performance: a firm-level analysis. Journal of services marketing, 25(1), 20-32.