Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Technology A Positive Contribution Essay - 1893 Words

One. Improved Education. It is said that, â€Å"knowledge is power†. Education provides us financial stability, widens our horizons, improves our self-esteem and brings refinement to our culture, and invariably, the better jobs go to the better educated. Education is also a most debatable topic, but technology will continue to make a positive contribution. Technology is helping teachers and students to access and share information and today there is as great deal more to learn if we are to be productive members of modern society. Students are continuing to learn useful research skills and online learning continues to develop (Education World, n.d.). That said, the following changes to ensure better education are anticipated: †¢ Charter schools. At present NZ has nine charter schools (rebranded Partnership Schools or Kura Hourua) and seventeen new charter schools are likely to receive government go-ahead in the next six years (PSKH, n.d.). Thus, it seems that the somewhat controversial charter schools will be a feature of our educational system for at least the next decade. Such schools allow communities, iwi, and business organisations to partner with educators to particularly help students from lower socio-economic situations and those with special needs (The Dominion Post 21 May 2016). †¢ More project-based learning. Such learning is more productive than book-based instruction, when learners often just memorise facts. Instead, with project-based learning students applyShow MoreRelatedA Nation Of Immigrants By John F. Kennedy1262 Words   |  6 PagesOn the pros of the debate, The American journey in terms of jobs and economic progress has been positively affected by the contribution of legal immigrants. Immigrants have strengthened the United states by boosting the revenue of American businesses and raising the job opportunities for American workers. 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